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Kaser / Cases / Wippy /



Our task was to revitalize the Wippy brand and emphasize its commitment to natural body care.


That's why at Kaser, we took on the task of developing their new branding and visual identity by working on a proposal that would reflect the freshness of their products through a modern and elegant design. The choice of colors and typography was crucial in achieving an attractive image that aligns with the brand's values. To create a visual identity that reflects the care and purity that characterize Wippy's products, we selected pastel tones and a soft, legible typography. Additionally, we incorporated graphic elements that allude to nature, such as coconuts and fruit illustrations, which combine to create a harmonious and distinctive overall look.

Wippy Wippy Wippy Wippy Wippy Wippy Wippy Wippy Wippy Wippy Wippy

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