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Kaser / Cases / Volturno /


Volturno is a company with a great track record in the coffee market, offering a wide range of coffee maker models from the most traditional to the most innovative. The brand's consumers are people who are looking for products that facilitate the coffee preparation process, with a guarantee of flavor, practicality, and durability, and who are also aligned with the brand's values and interests. In short, people who are looking for inspiration to enjoy new experiences with a good cup of coffee!

We developed a comprehensive rebranding and digital universe proposal that covered everything from the brand's visual identity to its strategy on social media and other digital channels. We achieved a modern, sophisticated, and attractive brand image that reflects the values and quality of the company's products. The new visual identity proposal uses colors and shapes that convey a sense of innovation and exclusivity, while the key visual incorporates graphic elements that reference the brand and its values. We focused on developing a social media presence strategy that would allow Volturno to connect with its target audience in an effective and enriching way.

Volturno Volturno Volturno Volturno Volturno Volturno Volturno Volturno Volturno

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