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We dreamed about this PARTY for a long time...

And in December 2022 we made it happen. We enjoyed a magical night at the Esplendor Tango by Wyndham Buenos Aires, surrounded by very special guests to us. We shared stories, reminisced about old times, and toasted to a new year full of creativity and projects.

We worked for months preparing every detail. We came up with the idea, defined the concept, found the venue, planned the dynamics; selected the music, the gastronomic proposal, and the gift for each of the guests. With the creative spirit that characterizes us, we prepared and designed graphics for the invitations, newsletters, social media posts, created an Instagram filter for guests to apply and share their favorite moments from the party, and much more! Everything that means planning an event. In addition, we covered the party so that those who couldn't be there could enjoy it from afar with all of us. 

We lived a memorable experience that night. We sealed a community bond between those of us who make Kaser, our clients, suppliers, many collaborators, friends, and references from public and private organizations, with whom we have shared challenges over all these years. We were brought together by work, commitment, values, and the satisfaction of seeing reciprocal growth.

Thank you to all and each one of those who are part of this Kaser community. Endless thanks for joining us that day and every day. Let's always move forward, sharing and strongly wishing that this 2023 is a great year!

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Let's talk!
